


Virtual Tour

Prof. Rajgopalan/ Sebastiaan Meijer ( KTH, Sweden, TU Delft)/ Eswaran Subrahmanian ( CMU, USA)/ Bharath Palavalli ( FoV)

Objectives: It is based on the primary research question: “What can be the impact of participatory tools, including gaming simulations and crowd-sourcing platforms that involve all user groups and layers of society on design, creation and operation of urban infrastructures, both in the Western and Indian contexts?”

We will be using participatory to design smart mobility infrastructure in the following three phases:

  1. Data acquisition, using existing data sources, crowd-sourcing and data proxies, to explain the temporal mobility patterns and the mobility requirements of a representative urban population; followed by Mobility mining and modelling to map the collected data to mobility preferences;
  2. Iterative design of computer-based simulations and participatory gaming simulations by the application of the Product, Social and Institutional (PSI) design framework. The outcomes will be different infrastructure designs and their associated implementation roadmaps;
  3. Evaluation of the outcomes to develop implementations roadmaps sensitive to the urban contexts in The Netherlands and India.


  1. Computational framework for integration of mobility data collected from different sources;
  2. Computational framework for mobility data mining and modelling in India and Netherlands;
  3. Models and Computer-based simulations to answer questions based on certain what-if scenarios;
  4. Gaming and Participatory Simulations, to design mobility infrastructure with all the stakeholders;
  5. Three workshops for interaction between the teams in the consortium and the stakeholders;

Two doctoral theses, one from IIIT-B and one from TU Delft, and other related publications (b) Milestones and Outcomes accomplished so far: (include publications, patent applications, software, prototypes, events and any other relevant outcome)

  1. Three workshops : Delft ( June 2016), IIITB ( November 2016) Stockholm ( December 2017) , fourth one planned at IIITB in August 2018
  2. A game based on BMTC data by partner Fields Of View
  3. One conference publication from IIITB : “HDSAnalytics: A Data Analytics Framework for Heterogeneous Data Sources” by Yogalkshmi, Chandrashekar Ramanathan, S Rajagopalan presented at ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science and Management (CoDS-COMAD 2018), Goa
  4. A number of project reports of M.Tech and i.Mtech students being published as an edited compendium in the ensuing workshop in August 2018 5. Major Findings at IIITB are: ( based on 500 GB data for three months from BMTC) a. Patterns of Congestion ( average speed less than 5 k.m per hour) , by location, time duration and by repetition at same location, same time forma stable stationary series and can be modeled as an autoregressive integrated moving average models(ARIMA). Hence they can be predicted quite accurately b. Similarly bunching of buses also exhibit stable , repetitive patterns and bunched buses travel together

(c) Please specify difficulties if any, in achieving the project objectives: c. We could not get data from private taxi companies ( Ola, Uber) , though they participated in our workshops . BMTC , on the other hand gave access to all their data including bus movement and ticket sale data

d. Flipkart and Amazon did not cooperate , after some attempts Big basket has shared one weeks anonymized data. Swiggy and MoveinSync have promised data. e. The computing infrastructure at the institute could not hold all the 500 GB data at a single instance for analysis. So we had to make slices of data and analyse.