


Virtual Tour

Prof. RC

(a) Project Objectives and Deliverables: MINRO Center’s broad charter is to carry out high quality research in the area of Machine Intelligence and Robotics. The research is expected to lead to path breaking innovations that benefit entire state of Karnataka. The innovations will be widely disseminated for the benefit of the entire state of Karnataka through well-orchestrated showcasing mechanisms. The Centre’s activities can be divided into three major focus areas: Education, Research, and Government. MINRO Center will conduct multidisciplinary research and development activities in important research areas related to machine intelligence, artificial intelligent systems, data analysis, data science, pattern recognition, human-machine interface and industrial products of robotics and automation. The application areas will have the potential to address numerous real world problems of governance and society – thereby bringing greater focus to societal applications of MI and also industrial products generation – all of which that traditional systems cannot resolve. The envisaged application directions include, but are not limited to, governance, manufacturing, transportation, assisted living, communications, eLearning, finance, web services and many other areas.

(b) Milestones and Outcomes accomplished so far: (include publications, patent applications, software, prototypes, events and any other relevant outcome) • MINRO Experience Center has been created and was inaugurated by Hon’ble Minster of Hon'ble Minister for IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka on June 25, 2018 • External review and monitoring committee with renowned experts established • Internal Project Management Unit being created • Six internal project proposals received and are under review for internal approval

(c) Please specify difficulties if any, in achieving the project objectives: • There is some delay in establishing the operational structures for execution of the project.