Indian Railways Project

CSL | Computational Sciences Laboratory

Indian Railways Project

The Indian Railway system is the world's largest system, if the complexity of the services, and total load, is taken into account. This project aims at working on various optimization problems on timetabling for Indian Railways. As such the task involved includes a large amount of big data handling, and large scale mixed integer-continuous optimization. Since the complete problem is gigantic, a sample route between two stations was given to IIIT-B to develop a software, and also to analyse the timetable. The high level results indicate that the existing timetable is reasonably optimized, with the free space to schedule about a small percentage of trains. Software has been developed to schedule new desired trains on the given route and this software is scalable to the size of the Indian Railway network. The software is also interfaced to IIIT-B's patented and patent-pending optimization under uncertainty package.